Carving out a niche…

Been busy over the past days meeting with the players in the television industry here, carving out a niche for myself once again.

After five years of working for a leading Caribbean telecommunications company, I have decided to go it solo again. And the ride has been extremely revelatory.

Note I said carving out a niche, because having held several jobs and also being self employed, I am much preferring the latter. And so apart from this blog and my Sunday radio show, I am heading into hosting a current affairs television talk forum starting within the next few days. This would be my second stint at same.

Having not had a steady traditional job for the past five months, I have come to realize and can fully empathize with persons who are unemployed, don’t have a source of income and as a result are barely eking out a living.

Personally, I have had the good fortune of being gainfully employed for close to 28 years and basically had no understanding of what the other side of that equation looked or felt like.

Having researched the job market in the British Virgin Islands in the latter half of 2012, I think I have a pretty good idea now of how some people feel, what perhaps lends to the moral decay of society and how uncaring the powers that be seem to be. My conclusion is that the unemployment line is dehumanizing!

Don’t worry. I am not going down the road where I do not recognize employers who go out of their way to provide jobs for some people and these workers turn around and betray their employers’ trust by giving substandard service, being tardy and dishonest.

These employers must be praised for reaching out, some even again and again, despite the odds, hoping to be proven wrong, hoping just to get their work done.

These employers though must well be looking in the wrong direction, because there are people out there who are begging to be noticed and given a chance to be of service.

There are people who don’t want and cannot afford to hear ‘we dont have any openings’ especially when that is not true, ‘you are too qualified’ when the person is willing to take what they get because that’s better than what they have or ‘we’ll get back to you’ especially when the employer knows this is not going to happen.

How does the principle of being open and honest and upright in everything we do not be a simple enough mantra for us to follow? What about our duty to help our fellow man as much as we can so that this world can be a better place for all of us to live?

Again, I would advocate for anyone who is unemployed to carve out their niche. Explore a non traditional option, for example, network marketing.

We all have unique gifts and talents and strengths. How about trying to be less dependent on the system?

And for those gainfully employed, do it earnestly!
